Tuesday 22 September 2009

Wednesday 23 September

Jean an I are sat at my drawing desk, Jean is eating a big bowl of poridge I'm trying to explain how a blog works. Jean has a Blog site called Betty Frocks. I've stretched and primed 6 new canvas's, they are 12 inches square, I've used glue size and whiting power to prime the canvas.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Started work early this morning and began to find a great energy able to put the lessons from the work done over the last year or so into practise, what that simply means is to accept all the twists and turns that painting throws up, I should know all this by now..... Took a brake and had a walk in the sun, ended up at O'Mucks place had a chinwag and a cup of tea and strolled back....
Over and out

Saturday 18 July 2009

Going well

It has been going well, 7 paintings finished, still a lot to do, I do not know how to find the necessary money for the coming months. St Leonards on sea is a poor part of the world, work is difficult to find, I really don't want to leave the studio just now. Have to go now! as my patner Jean wants to go into bexhill to shop and see the Joseph Beauys show.

Friday 15 May 2009

Alive and well in the studio

I'm back in the studio, I've found my spirit again, drawing painting, painting portraits, copying classical heads, making constructions, Its a fun time. I had to work up in London just to pay my way, its been trying but has to be done. I've been hanging lining paper, painting walls etc everything a painter and decorator does. Spring is hear, more light in the studio more daylight hours, my friends are doing well, though my partner Jean has a sister who is very very ill, Jean is remarkable and very strong, she goes to the local hospice twice a day. I'll put he new work on my site as soon as possible.

Friday 16 January 2009

I've gone down with a heavy cold or something, I cannot go to the studio and work, its cold cold cold so I'm about to jump into the bath a soak for awhile, self portrait is going well

Thursday 25 September 2008

fish cakes

Robin came around last night I had prepared fish cakes, Robin came with food wine and beer, but best of all he came with he's abundant personality. Lucky I am to have a comrade like him... I started a self portrait the other day it went well, it isn't bad, it has given me the strength to work on the 9 canvases started back in 2006


Friday 19 September 2008

Caspian has finished my website, all is quiet now, the studio is looking great and nearly ready for me to start painting. I'm a bit tired just now, rushing around traking down materials, as always trying to make it all work. I'm off out tonight, going to two private views with my mate Robin Muckle, we normally have a drink or two and have a laugh. It has been a busy year......